Minggu, 14 Juli 2019

Tugas Softkill 4 Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Nama : Dimas Bayu Gumelar
Kelas : 4KA10
NPM : 11115924

Listening Section

7. Speaker : So she did apply?
    Question : What had the man assume about Karen?
    Answer : (C) She was certain to be admitted.

8. Speaker : I ate wild berries at the picnic last week and I broke out in a rash.
    Question : What does the woman say happened to her?
    Answer : (C) She was allergic to the fruit she had eaten.

9. Speaker : Sure, W I T T N E R.
    Question : How does the man say he spell his last name?
    Answer : (B) Wittner.

10. Speaker : Sure, I could use the extra hours.
      Question : What is the man probably going to do?
      Answer : (D) Work when the woman was supposed to work.

11. Speaker : We won 3 lost 5 and tied twice.
      Question : How many games does the man say his team tied?
      Answer : (C) 2.

12. Speaker : She couldn't find the classroom until after the class had begun.
      Question : What does the man say happened to Sally?
      Answer : (B) She was late for class because she got lost.

13. Speaker : No, but it was certainly kind of her to send me flowers.
      Question : What does the man say about the flowers?
      Answer : (D) The man appreciated April's sending him flowers.

14. Speaker : He drove George's car from Georgia to New York without stopping to sleep.
      Question : What does the woman mean?
      Answer : (D) William didn't sleep at all on trip.

15. Speaker : You are people came that I had expected.
      Question : What does the man say about attendance at the meeting?
      Answer : (C) The man had expected more people to come to the meeting.

16. Speaker : He spend five hours knocking on doors but he didn't sell a single megazine.
      Question : What does the man say about Harry?
      Answer : (A) He sold no megazines.

17. Speaker : The contractor said the repairs would be very expensive but he decided to have the work done.
      Question : What does the woman say about the repairs to Frank's house?
      Answer : (A) Frank told the contractor to do the work in spite cost.

18. Speaker : I should have studied but I was too tired.
      Question : What does the man say he did last night?
      Answer : (C) He couldn't study last night because he was very tired.
19. Speaker : I understand she hasn't gone to a movie in years.
      Question : What does the woman say about Gloria?
      Answer : (D) She hasn't seen a movie for a long time.

20. Speaker : His face turn bright red when the teacher asked him a question.
      Question : What does the woman say about Harvey?
      Answer : (C) He must have been embarrassed.

Sabtu, 25 Mei 2019

Tugas Softkill 3 Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Nama : Dimas Bayu Gumelar
Kelas : 4KA10
NPM : 11115924

Unit 3
Recording 3.1

Audio 1
A : Hello, I'm calling about my new television, the instructions are missing.
B : Sorry, they're laying very bad. Did you say instructions view in new video missing?
A : No no, for own new television.

Audio 2
A : We can't find the remote control of our projector. Can you send us the one, please?
B : So, you want us to new projector?
A : No, not to projector, just remote control.

Audio 3
A : Our coffee machine is broken. Can we order new one? It's the new model, the silver 542.
B : I'll write back down. So, the coffee machine model silver 942?
A : Sorry, no, it's 542.

Audio 4
A : Thank you for calling online books. We can't deliver any books this week. we are sorry for the delay.

Audio 5
A : I'm phoning about our order of drinking water.
B : Yes, it's there problem?
A : I'm afraid so. Your delivery is late again.
B : Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Could you tell me when you place the order?

Jumat, 26 April 2019

Tugas Softkill 2 Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Nama : Dimas Bayu Gumelar
Kelas : 4KA10
NPM : 11115924

Exercise 11 : Subject-Verb Agreement

6. Your glasses were on the bureau last night.
    Glasses : plural subject
    Were : plural verb

7. There were some people at the  meeting last night.
    (There were + plural subject)
    There were : plural
    Some people : plural subject

8. The committee has already reached a decision.
    The committee : singular subject (collective nouns)
    Has : singular verb

9. A pair of jeans was in the washing machine this morning.
    A pair of jeans : singular
    Was : singular verb

10. Each student has answered the first three questions.
      Each :  singular
      Has : singular

11. Either John or his wife makes breakfast each morning.
      (Either + noun + or + singular noun + singular verb)
      His wife : singular noun
      Makes : singular verb

12. After she had perused the material, the secretary decided that everything was in order.
      (everything + singular noun)
      Was : singular

13. The  crowd at the basketball game was wild with excitement.
      The crowd : singular (collective noun)
      Was : singular verb

14. A pack of wild dogs has frightened all the ducks away.
      A pack of wild dogs : singular (collective noun)
      Has : singular verb

15. The jury is trying to reach a decision.
      The  jury : singular (collective noun)
      Is : singular verb verb

16. The army has eliminated this section of the training test.
      The army : singular (collective noun)
      Has : singular verb

17. The number of students who have withdrawn from class this quarter is appalling.
      (The number of + plural noun + singular verb)
      Students : plural noun
      Is : singular verb

18. There have been too many interruptions in this class.
      (There have been + plural subject)
      There have been : plural
      Too many interruptions : plural subject

19. Evey elementary school teacher has to take this examination.
      (Every + singular noun)
      Every : singular
      Has : singular

20. Neither Jill nor her parents have seen this movie before.
      (Neither + noun + nor + plural noun + plural verb)
      Her parents : plural noun
      Have : plural verb

Exercise 12 : Pronouns

6. She and John gave the money to the boy.
    She : subject pronouns (occur in the subject position of a sentence)

7. Your record is scratched and mine is too.
    Your : possessive adjective (depend on noun)
    Mine : possessive pronouns (the noun is understood from the context and isn’t repeated)

8. I hurt my leg.
    My : possessive adjective (depend on noun)

9. John bought himself a new coat.
    Himself : reflexive pronouns (the subject did the action alone) (himself = John)

10. We girls are going camping over the weekend.
      We : subject pronouns (occur in the subject position of sentence)

11. Mr. Jones cut himself shaving.
      Himself : reflexive pronouns (the subject did the action alone) (himself = Mr. Jones)

12. We like our new car very much.
      Our : possessive adjective (depend on noun)

13. The dog bit her on the leg.
      Her : complement pronouns (occur in complement position, whether a verb or peposition)

14. John himself went to the meeting.
      Himself : reflexive pronouns (the subject did the action alone) (himself = John)

15. You’ll stick yourself with the pins if you are not careful.
      Yourself : reflexive pronouns (the subject did the action alone) (yourself = you)

16. Mary and I would rather go to the movies.
      I : subject pronouns (occur in the subject position of a sentence)

17. Everyone has to do their own research.
      Their : possessive adjective (depend on noun)

18. Just between you and me, I don’t like this food.
      Me : complement pronouns (occur in complement position, whether a verb or peposition)

19. Monday is a holiday for us teacher.
      Us : complement pronouns (occur in complement position

20. Her car does not go as fast as ours.
      Her : possessive adjective (depend on noun)

      Ours : possessive pronouns (the noun is understood from the context and isn’t repeated)

Minggu, 24 Maret 2019

Tugas Softkill 1 Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Nama : Dimas Bayu Gumelar
Kelas : 4KA10
NPM : 11115924

  1. Paul, william and Marry were watching television a few minutes ago
Paul, william and Marry                : Subject
were watching                                 : Verb
television                                           : Complement
a few minutes ago                          : Modifier of time
  1. Harry is washing dishes right now.
Harry                                                  : Subject
is washing                                         : Verb
dishes                                                 : Complement
right now                                          : Modifier of time
  1. She opened her book.
She                                                      : Subject
opened                                              : Verb
her book                                            : Complement
  1. She opened a checking account at the bank last week.
She                                                      : Subject
opened                                              :  Verb
a checking account                         :  Complement
at the bank                                       : Modifier of place
last week                                           :  Modifier of time
  1. Trees grow.
Trees                                                  : Subject
grow                                                   : Verb
  1. It was raining at seven o’clock this morning.
It                                                         : Subject
was raining                                       : Verb
at seven o’clock this morning      : Modifier of time
  1. Pat should have bought gasoline yesterday.
Pat                                                      : Subject
should have bought                        : Verb
gasoline                                             : Complement
yesterday                                          : Modifier of time
  1. We can eat lunch in this restaurant today.
We                                                      : Subject
can eat                                               : Verb
lunch                                                  : Complement
in this restaurant                             : Modifier of place
today                                                  : Modifier of time
  1. Henry and Marcia  have visited  the president.
Henry and Marcia                           : Subject
Have visited                                      : Verb phrase
The president                                   : Complement
  1. George  is cooking  dinner tonight.
George                                               : Subject
Is cooking                                          : Verb phrase
Dinner                                                : Complement
Tonight                                              : Modifier of time
  1. The levels of intoxication (vary/varies) from subject to subject.
The levels            : Plural
vary                      : Plural
  1. Mr.Jones, accompanied by several members of committee, (have/has) proposed some changes pf the rules
Mr.Jones             : singular
has                        : singular
  1. Living expenses in this country, as well as in many others (is/are) at an all-time high.
Living expenses  : singular
is                           : singular
  1. Advertisements on television (is/are) booming more competitive than ever before.
Advertisements  :Plural
are                        :are
  1. The use of credit cards in place of cash (have/has) increased rapidly in recent years.
The use                : singular
has                        : singular
  1. John, along with twenty friends, (is/are) planning a party.
John                      : Singular subject
is                           : Singular verb
  1. The Picture of soldiers (bring/brings) back many memories.
The picture         : singular
brings                   : singular
  1.  The quality of these recordings (is/are) not very good.
The quality          : singular
is                           : singular
  1. If the duties of these officers ( isn’t/aren’t) reduced, there will not be enough tome to finish the project
If the duties        : Plural
aren’t                   : Plural
  1. The effects of cigarette smoking  (have/has) heen proven to be extremely harmful
The effects         : Plural
have                     : Plural

Jumat, 25 Januari 2019

Tugas 3 Audit Teknologi Sistem Informasi

  1. Jelaskan fungsi/kegunaan dari audit teknologi sistem informasi? Apa pentingnya melakukan audit teknologi sistem informasi!
  2. Jelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan laporan audit teknologi sistem informasi!
  3. Apa fungsi/kegunaan dari laporan audit teknologi sistem informasi? Jelaskan!


  1. Untuk lebih praktisnya, berikut ini adalah beberapa kegunaan audit sistem informasi yang pernah dilakukan, antara lain : 
    • Evaluasi atas kesesuaian (strategic alignment) antara rencana strategis dan rencana tahunan organisasi dengan rencana strategis TIK, rencana tahunan TIK dan rencana proyek/program TIK. 
    • Evaluasi atas kelayakan struktur organisasi TIK, termasuk pemisahan fungsi (segregation of duties) dan kelayakan pelimpahan wewenang dan otoritas (delegation of authority). 
    • Evaluasi atas pengelolaan personil TIK, termasuk perencanaan kebutuhan, rekrutmen dan seleksi, pelatihan dan pendidikan, promosi/demosi/mutasi, serta terminasi personil TIK.
    • Evaluasi atas pengembangan TIK, termasuk analisis kebutuhan, perancangan, pengembangan, pengujian, implementasi dan migrasi, pelatihan dan dokumentasi TIK, serta manajemen perubahaan. 
    • Evaluasi atas kegiatan operasional TIK, termasuk pengelolaan keamanan dan kinerja pengelolaan pusat data (data center), pengelolaan keamanan dan kinerja jaringan data, dan pengelolaan masalah dan insiden TIK serta dukungan pengguna (helpdesk). 
    • Evaluasi atas kontinuitas layanan TIK, termasuk pengelolaan backup & recovery, pengelolaan prosedur darurat TIK (IT emergency plan), pengelolaan rencana pemulihan layanan TIK (IT recovery plan), serta pengujian rencana kontijensi operasional (business contigency/continuity plan).
            Meningkatkan :
    • Perlindungan atas aset TIK lembaga pemerintahan yang merupakan kekayaan negara, atau dengan kata lain aset milik publik 
    • Integritas dan ketersediaan sistem dan data yang digunakan oleh lembaga pemerintahan baik dalam kegiatan internal lembaga maupun dalam memberikan layanan publik
    • Penyediaan informasi yang relevan dan handal bagi para pemimpin lembaga pemerintahan dalam mengambil keputusan dalam menjalankan layanan publik 
    • Peranan TIK dalam pencapaian tujuan lembaga pemerintaha dengan efektif, baik itu untuk terkait dengan kebutuhan internal lembaga tersebut, maupun dengan layanan publik yang diberikan oleh lembaga tersebut 
    • Efisiensi penggunaan sumber daya TIK serta efisiensi secara organisasional dan prosedural di lembaga pemerintahan.
      2.     laporan merupakan salah satu bentuk komunikasi tertulis, formal, sehingga auditor tidak                     dapat mengetahui reaksi auditee secara langsung.

     3.  Fungsi Laporan audit Teknologi Sistem Informasi:
  • Berisi makna penting, dan sungguh-sungguh diperlukan dan hasilnya bermanfaat bagi pimpinan perusahaan, auditee, dan auditor sendiri. 
  • Disusun dan didistribusikan tepat waktu. 
  • Ketepatan dan kecukupan bukti pendukung. 
  • Menyajikan temuan dan rekomendasi atau usul solusi dengan nada yang kontruktif (bersifat pencerahan, tidak mendorong “permusuhan”)